Posts Tagged ‘Actors’

Falò, new Modì, genius maudit & Art Collector as Al Pacino del film di J. DEPP. E Heather Graham?

28 Jun

heathergrahamfaloticofestivalvenezia0:01, incipit e calvizie incipiente. E il caldo è troppo hot, sì, il clima è eccessivamente caliente. Inizio, inoltre, con forti freddure, eh eh. 3:09, Al Pacino, presto nuovamente al lido, nei panni di Maurice Gangnat. 4:46, Peter Fonda. 5:50, Heather Graham. 6:58. Donna da (af)fresco? 7:23, Johnny Depp. 11:46, Bologna insanguinata – Il carnato di una città escoriata. Coming Soon, Il commissario Falò 4! 13:30, Lucy Russell. 16:18, Olivia Williams è, anzi, fu la versione bruna di Greta Scacchi. 18:34, Jerzy Skolimowski. 20:29, ah ah. 21:15, Nanni Moretti. 25:06, il richiamo della f… a? Via da Las Vegas, Vacanze in America ed Elisabeth Shue. 26:49. 27:19. 31:51, un Picasso originale.

Il Falò, un GENIUS, pure Pop! – Attore, imitatore, narratore, recensore, scrittore, cari untori!

06 Apr


La febbre di un attore

24 Jan

Siamo tutti attori da Oscar nel nostro palcoscenico: c’è chi preferisce un suo film a luci rosse, chi interpretare un ipocondriaco alla Woody Allen, io invece consegno i premi

Sì, io mi (ri)tiro di “cameo” che dà all’altro il designarlo e desino lontano dalla mondanità, in quanto festeggio con dei biscotti fatti in casa, ammirando le cosce delle attrici più “in gamba”.
Ieri sera, ad esempio, mi son connesso a Internet per “modularmelo” su una di reggicalze ma appena stetti per estrarre… dai calzoni… svenni. Mi risvegliai accalorato, stranamente di febbre da “cavallo”. Sì, son corso in bagno e ho vomitato, in quanto il Mercurio del termometro era sui 39 e mezzo di temperatura. Ancora questo maledetto virusinfluenzale che non ho debellato. Due settimane fa, mi colpì dall’oggi al domani. Pensavo a un normale raffreddore, invece mi schienò tremolante a letto con la borsa del ghiaccio e pelle sudata così come effetto sgelante della Tachipirina su Bisolvon al bisogno, vero mucolitico che talvolta sana anche le coliti. Sì, forse sarà una bronchite e m’è successa la ricaduta.
Ecco, credo che il mio set sia una malattia perenne, devastante, in cui sono obbligato a essere sempre sedato in mezzo a colpi nervosi altrui di tosse secca. Cioè gli stronzi mai tristi che felicemente si stordiscono e si credon chissà chi. Mai turbati dalla loro “estetica” repellente eppur per loro da insignirsi di onorificenze.
Ora, che senso ha tutto ciò? Non lo so, ma è un Teatro.

Firmato il Genius
(Stefano Falotico)

  1. The Bag Man (2013)
  2. Fuori orario (1985)
  3. Febbre da cavallo (1976)

Living greatest actor

24 Mar

Sguardo qui, ciiis!


Acting is one of the most important parts of a movie as it lends believability to the story as well as offering both dramatic and emotional depth to a film. The best actors can completely disappear into a role by almost seemingly becoming the character they are playing. To make this list, an actor must still be active making movies and must have peaked as an actor sometime in the last 15 years (hence the omission of Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson etc…).

The actor must also be able to play a variety of roles believably and have a decent amount of good movies to their credit. The actors were primarily ranked for their overall acting ability including their versatility, believability, intensity, and charisma. Their ability to choose good scripts was also factored in as well as the amount of quality movies and roles they have had. Of course, with the vast amount of quality actors right now, someone’s favorite will undoubtedly be left off.

15. Tom Hardy

One of Hollywood’s rising stars, Tom Hardy has consistently been churning out quality performances for years now, only his willingness to blend in to the fabric of a film has made sure he’s not as well known as he should be. His outstanding performance as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, for example, required him to wear a mask the whole film, making it hard for some people to tell who the actor was. Hardy is known for throwing himself into his roles as he put on massive amounts of weight for his portrayal of both Bane and Charles Bronson.

He has turned in great performances in Inception, Warrior, and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and he has shown himself to be excellent at picking demanding and interesting scripts. Hopefully, with his starring role in the upcoming Mad Max sequel will propel him more into the public consciousness. Hardy’s dedication, intensity, and commanding screen presence make him on of Hollywood’s best rising stars.


14. Edward Norton

Despite not getting a chance to be in The Avengers, Edward Norton is still one of the most recognizable and versatile actors in Hollywood. He broke out in the late 1990′s when he starred in two of the defining films of the era in Fight Club and American History X. His performance as racist skinhead Derek Vinyard in American History X earned him an Academy Award nomination and the character is often considered one of the best of the 90′s.

Norton showcased his versatility as an actor in films such as 25th Hour, The Incredible Hulk, Leaves of Grass, and Moonrise Kingdom. In Leaves of Grass, he plays both a philosophy professor and his drug dealer brother. In Moonrise Kingdom he played a boy scout leader that is the complete opposite of most of the roles he had done previously. Norton has a reputation as an actor who is hard to work with, but he is definitely one of Hollywood’s most talented actors.


13. Leonardo DiCaprio

In many ways, Leonardo DiCaprio has long been waging a war against being known as “the guy in Titanic”, a war which he has been winning for over a decade. After the success of Titanic, DiCaprio starred in Steven Spielberg’s Catch Me If You Can, where he played con man Frank Abagnale.

In 2002, he also began a recurring partnership with Martin Scorcese which resulted in DiCaprio’s acclaimed turns in Gangs of New York, the Aviator, the Departed, and Shutter Island. He showed his versatility in other films such as Blood Diamond, Inception, and Django Unchained.

A three time Academy Award nominee as well as one of the shrewdest selectors of scripts in Hollywood, Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most recognizable movie stars in the world as well as one of the most talented.


12. Brad Pitt

Pitt’s status as a celebrity heartthrob as well as his high profile relationships with Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, and Angelina Jolie have overshadowed just how talented an actor Brad Pitt is. Endowed with a natural charisma, Pitt has long been one of Hollywood’s most versatile actors, equally comfortable in big budget films like Troy and Oceans 11 as he is with smaller films like Seven and the Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

A three time Academy Award nominee, Pitt has shown his versatility in films such as 12 Monkeys, Fight Club, Moneyball, Snatch, and the Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Pitt is also notable for producing smaller films and starring in them so they are able to obtain the budget they need to be made. Directors such as Andrew Dominik have been helped immensely by the support of Pitt.


11. Liam Neeson

Despite an inconsistent filmography, there are few actor in the world who can turn in a more affecting performance than Liam Neeson when given the proper script. Neeson broke out as an actor with an impressive performance in Steven Spielberg’s acclaimed film Schindler’s List. Later he mixed minor roles in films like Gangs of New York and Kingdom of Heaven with roles in some of the biggest films in history, such as Jedi Master Qui-gon Jinn in the Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace as well as Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia and Ra’s al Ghul in Christopher Nolan’s Batman series.

After starring in Taken, Liam Neeson became one of Hollywood’s go-to action stars, despite being nearly 60 years old. After starring in a string of subpar action films, Liam Neeson turned in one of the best performances of 2012 with his role in the Grey, which was itself one of the most underrated movies of that year. Neeson’s commanding persona and distinctive voice make him one of the most memorable actors working today as well as one of the best.

10. Russell Crowe

Despite being criticized recently for not being able to sing in Les Miserables, few actors have achieved a more impressive career than Russell Crowe. Crowe broke out in the late 90′s with acclaimed performances in two of the most memorable films of the era: L.A Confidential and the Insider. He didn’t become a household name until 2000 when his performance as Roman general Maximus Decimus Meridius in Ridley Scott’s film Gladiator, won him the Academy Award for Best Actor.

His performance in Gladiator is one of the iconic performances of the 2000′s and Maximus is often listed among the best movie characters of all time. Crowe further showcased his abilities in films like Master and Commander: the Far Side of the World, A Beautiful Mind, Cinderella Man, American Gangster, and Body of Lies. Crowe is still going strong as he is set to play Jor-El in the upcoming Man of Steel as well as the titular character in Darren Aronofsky’s upcoming biblical epic Noah.


9. Denzel Washington

Six time Academy Award nominee and two time winner, Denzel Washington is still going strong after nearly three decades of making movies, earning a Best Actor nomination just a few months ago. Washington is one of the most recognizable stars working right now and is one of the few actors who is well known enough to have their movies referred to as a “Denzel Washington movie” instead of just a movie with Denzel Washington in it.

Washington had pulled off some of the most iconic performances in film history, both with his portrayal of Malcolm X, and his portrayal of crooked cop Alonzo Harris. Known for his intensity and propensity for portraying confident characters, Washington’s only weakness is that he generally seems to play similar characters over and over again. Washington’s incredible natural abilities, combined with his history of legendary performances, make him one of the modern era’s best actors.


8. Gary Oldman

One of the most respected actors in the world, Gary Oldman has built up one of the most versatile filmographies of any modern actor, having starred in both big budget franchises such as Harry Potter and Batman, as well as smaller films such as Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Oldman first gained fame for his portrayal of over the top villains in movies like True Romance and Leon: the Professional but in recent years has played more heroic roles such as that of Commissioner Gordon in the Dark Knight series and Sirius Black in Harry Potter.

Oldman is one of the most versatile actors of all time and is one of the favorites among other actors. Actors such as Tom Hardy, Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling, and many others have called Oldman their favorite actor. Despite his storied career, Oldman has only one Academy Award nomination to date, an oversight the Academy should fix as soon as possible.


7. Javier Bardem

Javier Bardem’s turn as assassin Anton Chigurgh in No Country for Old Men is one of the most iconic performances of the last decade, winning Bardem an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. His characters blank expressions and intimidating manner made him one of the most memorable parts of the film. In Skyfall, Bardem created a very different but almost as impressive villain as he played ex-MI6 agent Raoul Silva, who was almost the opposite of Chigurgh in terms of mannerisms and personality.

Despite being known primarily for playing villains, Bardem has played a variety of roles during his career such as his Oscar nominated turn as a struggling father in Biutiful. Bardem has two movies coming out this year that will show off his abilities in Terrence Malick’s To the Wonder and Ridley Scott’s the Counselor.


6. Tommy Lee Jones

Tommy Lee Jones has managed to maintain a fine balance between big budget blockbusters and smaller, more intimate films. He broke out in the early 1990′s with Academy Award nominated performances in both JFK and the Fugitive. He then became one of Hollywood’s most sought after performers after starring alongside Will Smith in the 1997 blockbuster Men in Black, he would later go on to appear in two sequels to the film.

He cemented himself as one of the finest and most versatile modern actors when he turned in two acclaimed performances in 2007 with his roles in the Valley of Elah and No Country for Old Men. In the last few years, he has gone on to appear in movies ranging from Captain America: the First Avenger to an Oscar nominated role in Lincoln. He is best known for his gruff mannerisms and dour personality but he has shown to be more than capable of playing a variety of roles.


5. Sean Penn

One of the most outspoken and controversial actors out there, Sean Penn also happens to be one of the most talented. Sean Penn broke out in the early 1980′s with his role in Fast Times at Ridgemont High but he became one of the world’s most respected actors later in the 90′s with his Oscar nominated role in Dead Man Walking. After two more nominations for Sweet and Lowdown and I am Sam, he went on to win his first Oscar for his dazzling performance in Mystic River, where he played a reformed gangster who’s daughter is murdered.

A few years later, Penn again won Best Actor for his portrayal of real life politician Harvey Milk. Penn is known best for his fiery, intense acting roles but is capable of playing a variety or roles as he showed in Carlito’s Way, the Thin Red Line and the Tree of Life. In addition to his acting ability. Penn has also proved to be an extremely capable director making such acclaimed films as the Indian Runner, the Crossing Guard, The Pledge, and Into the Wild. While he currently has no films in production right now, Penn is clearly one of the most intense, versatile, and talented actors in Hollywood.


4. Philip Seymour Hoffman

Philip Seymour Hoffman began his career as one of the finest character actors in Hollywood, giving him a wide variety of roles as well as one of the most impressive filmographies of any actor. Later in the 2000′s, Hoffman began playing lead roles more and more often and his partnership with director Paul Thomas Anderson has led to their mutual benefit. A brief glance at Hoffman’s filmography shows an almost endless number of impressive roles and movies.

His first notable role was a supporting turn in Scent of A Women in 1992 but he didn’t really get going until later in the 90′s with roles in Boogie Nights and the Big Lebowski. From there on he became a regular in Paul Thomas Anderson films as well putting in acclaimed turns in other films such as the Talented Mr. Ripley, Almost Famous, and 25th Hour. In 2005, he won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of author Truman Capote, which made him one of the more prominent actors in Hollywood. He has played a variety of roles since then, including both the villain in Mission Impossible III, a maverick CIA agent in Charlie Wilson’s War, a struggling artist in Synecdoche, New York, a priest in Doubt and then in 2012 he turned in arguably his best role in the Master.

In the Master, Hoffman played Lancaster Dodd, the leader of a religious movement known as the Cause. Hoffman turned in a dazzling performance that showcased his abilities as an actor. His versatility and impressive filmography make him one of the best actors out there.


3. Joaquin Phoenix

Best known for playing dark, troubled characters, there are few actors who throw themselves so completely and utterly into their roles as Joaquin Phoenix does. Phoenix played in a series of small films in the 90′s where he earned acclaim but was not very well known. In 2000 however, Phoenix became one of the most prominent actors in Hollywood after earning an Academy Award nomination for his brilliant portrayal of the deranged Roman emperor Commodus in the acclaimed film Gladiator.

After that, Phoenix turned in excellent performances in Signs, Hotel Rwanda, and the Village before being cast in one of his most prominent roles in Walk the Line, earning another Academy Award nomination for his portrayal of Johnny Cash. After a bizarre fake retirement that took him out of movies for a few years, Phoenix returned to give one of the great performances in modern movie history when he played the troubled war veteran Freddie Quells in the Master. Phoenix perfectly played his character right on the edge of overacting, but was able to keep the role just believable enough to make it seem as if Phoenix isn’t just playing the role so much as living it.

Phoenix has several interesting roles lined up, including Spike Jonze’s upcoming film Her as well as Paul Thomas Anderson’s upcoming film Inherent Vice. Phoenix is easily one of the most talented actors working today and is well on the way to becoming one of the acclaimed.


2. Michael Fassbender

The newest actor on this list, Fassbender did not get a major role until he was cast in a supporting part in the 2007 film 300. The following year, Fassbender broke out in a big way with his breathtaking portrayal of Irish political prisoner Bobby Sands in the 2008 film Hunger. Fassbender lost a tremendous amount of weight to portray Sands in his various stages of a hunger strike and had complete control of the screen whenever he appeared. The following year, he turned in two great performances in Inglorious Basterds and Fish Tank.

In 2011, Fassbender confirmed his status as one of Hollywood’s best actors with a trio of tremendous performances. The first was X-Men: First Class in which he played the conflicted anti-hero Magneto, giving him his first starring role in a major blockbuster, the second was his portrayal of Carl Jung in David Cronenberg’s a Dangerous Method, and the third was when he teamed up with Steve McQueen once again to portray Brandon Sullivan in Shame.

In 2012 he starred in the major sci-fi movie Prometheus. Despite the lukewarm reception the film received, Fassbender’s performance was near universally acclaimed. Fassbender is one of the most intense actors in Hollywood, routinely giving affecting performances in even the most unusual roles.

Despite only being prominent for about five years, Fassbender has already proved himself one of the most devoted and gifted actors of his generation. With upcoming roles in such prominent films as 12 Years a Slave, the Counselor, and Terrence Malick’s next film, Fassbender will hopefully be able to even more fully showcase his acting abilities.


1. Daniel Day-Lewis

Considered by some to be the greatest actor of all time, Daniel Day-Lewis is the only actor in history to win the Academy Award for Best Actor three times. One of the all time most devoted method actors, Daniel Day-Lewis completely throws himself into every single one of his roles. His breakout film was 1989′s My Left Foot in which he played Christy Brown, a disabled writer. His performance in the film earned him his first Oscar. His next film was the acclaimed Last of the Mohicans, where he spent weeks learning how to hunt, fish, and camp in order to show how to live in the wild.

During the 90′s he turned in acclaimed roles in the Name of the Father, Age of innocence, the Crucible, and the Boxer. In 2002 he turned in one of his best performances when he played Bill the Butcher in Martin Scorcsese’s Gangs of New York. In 2007, he turned in one of the all time great film performances when he played Daniel Plainview in There Will be Blood, a movie that earned him his second Best Actor award and has become one of the iconic roles of the 21st century.

In 2012, Daniel Day-Lewis turned in yet another iconic performance when he portrayed Abraham Lincoln in Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln, winning his record breaking third Best Actor. Arguably the most talented actor of all time, Daniel Day-Lewis is notoriously picky about his roles, sometimes taking years between performances. Daniel Day-Lewis has reached a stage where he can play literally anything and be considered the favorite to win an Oscar and he is clearly the best actor modern movies have to offer.



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