Notizia che mi mandò in solluchero, davvero. Be’, già, da cinefilo aggiornato alle più succose news, ne avevo già letto e discusso, in altre sedi, ma ieri n’è arrivata la conferma ufficialissima, a “fucilarmi” di gioia, e definitiva.
E, dunque sia… in bocca al lupo, volponi e leoni!
Perché siete Genius come me, anche se io, indubitabilmente, vi supero, è ovvio.
Il progetto The Comedian, pellicola di cui aveva “vociferato” la Bibbia “Variety”, e anch’essa la riconferma, torna d’attualità perché, semplicemente, è tutto deciso… si girerà in tempi abbastanza brevi, per la precisione nella Primavera del prossimo anno.
“Deadline” ne ha diramato il comunicato stampa…
FilmNation Entertainment announced today that they will handle international sales for The Comedian. The drama will be directed by Sean Penn (Into the Wild) and will star two-time Academy Award winner Robert De Niro and Kristen Wiig (Bridesmaids). Written by Art Linson with Jeffrey Ross, the movie will be produced by Art Linson (Into the Wild), John Linson, Jon Kilik and Robert De Niro. Shannon Costello will be associate producing.
In the film, Jackie Burke (De Niro) is a raging comic who is past his prime. A once loved TV character in his hey day, he clings to any recognition of his former fame in the hope of reviving his now stagnant career. After being sentenced to community service for hitting an audience member in the head with his microphone, Jackie meets Harmony (Wiig), a dazzling and defiant redhead who turns his life sideways.
“We’re so excited to be working with such an amazingly talented group of filmmakers on this movie. It simply doesn’t get much better than this, especially for us New Yorkers!,” said FilmNation Entertainment’s CEO Glen Basner.
Production is slated to start in the spring of 2012.

Tags: The Comedian